dulu... kami rapat. always texting. alwayss chating. always sharing problem together.
but now? he's gone. where are you friend? adakah nurul ade buad salah terhadap awak?
if ade. pless forgive me. I just miss you. I thought we would be the Best of Friends for at least a bit,
But you decided its best to''mendiamkan diri dah menjauhkan diri. why? why? why? .
i really have lost the only friend I've got. forever. i feel awful. i feel like my world has come to an end.
i care about him a lot, i respect that he has his own life. he was too busy with his life.
but i am feeling so lonely and sad. i have lost the most precious friend i had got.
i feel lost, what should i do, please tell me?
to my dear friend, pless came back to normal n back to your old.
and Never say goodbye, because goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting !
i alwys waiting for u .owh gosh. please ending of this misery